onsdag 22 juli 2009


"The U.S. government currently has the power to enforce vaccinations in an epidemic or pandemic flu breakout, or even the threat of such, by a measure provided within the Patriot Act. In addition, there is The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, which will have federal funding for each state that adopts a similar model, so far adopted by 38 states and the District of Columbia. States will be allowed to "enforce vaccinations with absolute police power, which includes detention and seizure of private property."

Detta minst skrämmande faktum (från Wikipedia) får oss att inse vad man kan komma att göra med oss alla inom en snar framtid: tvångsvaccinera oss (med vad som helst, vilka gifter som helst) utan att vi kan vägra att gå med på saken.

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