onsdag 25 april 2012

Vikten av att återupprätta kyrkan

BN:s hemsida så kan man som bekant läsa många högintressanta kommentarer. Marina är en som ofta skriver om situationen i Ryssland och dess grannländer, något som alltid är läsvärt. Från senaste artikeln av BN hittar vi dessa båda kommentarer av just nämnda person, Marina:
The best way for people in the West to undermine the Jewish power and influence is to re-embrace Christianity. Of course, it is not easy to force yourself to believe in something if you have been a non-observant person, like it is the case with many people in the West. But the issue at the moment is not faith as such. For many people faith is something that needs time to develop. Those people who don’t have strong faith should at least show their solidarity with and support for Christianity. That’s the best way to start. For 70 years Soviet Union was an atheistic country. The Church was almost non-existent and it was impossible to be openly religious. Most people had hardly any contact with religion. Churches, with a few exceptions, were museums. Yet, the Christian religion in Russia has made an incredible comeback. Today even members of Russian Communist Party are religious. The religious renaissance in Russia is so strong that it really worries the so-called liberals most of whom happen to be Jews. Their main worry is Putin who, needless to say, is an observant Christian and does not hide it. More than that, Putin supports massive church construction all over Russia. So far, 23 thousand (23,000) churches have been rebuilt, renovated, or built, but Putin plans to build more. See: www.vidania.ru/index.html 200 churches are being built in Moscow alone. In partly Muslim Tatarstan there is a very large number of rebuilt and newly-built churches. See: www.kazan.eparhia.ru/temples/ The Jewish element in Russia is not as strong as in the West. Moreover, the Jews have to be careful because they know all too well that Russians know all too well who the Bolsheviks were and who was involved in the murder of the Tsar and his family. Still, even in Russia, Jews have been trying to contaminate the society with decadent ideas. They have not been very successful, though. They tried to attract a certain number of people to their cause but the whole project backfired very badly. The liberal - predominantly Jewish - element encourages all kinds of anti-religious activities. Not so long ago there was a series of attacks against the Church - they included blasphemous activities inside churches or even vandalism. In a few cases the perpetrators were so-called feminists. In other cases they may have been either drug-addicts or other misfits. The feminists are now under arrest awaiting trial. The events were followed by debates on TV. It was amazing how in one debate Mr Aleksandr Prokhanov called Svanidze (a Jew) and his team (most of them Jews): you are a tribe of thieves, sell-outs and liars. He did not call them “Jews” but it was obvious to everyone who he had on his mind. Last Sunday there was a great event. All over Russia there were large protests against blasphemy and church vandalism. In front of the Christ the Saviour Cathedral alone there were 65 thousand people in support of Christianity.
I en kommentar omedelbart därefter säger Marina:
An overwhelming majority of Russians were very religious. The only people who became flexible in religious matters were the intelligentsia and parts of the elites. The situation in pre-revolutionary Russia was not like it was in pre-revolutionary France. Some French peasants were religious, some were not. In Russia all peasants were religious. More than that, in France a patriot was a good revolutionary. In Russia, if you were a patriot, you were a counter-revolutionary. The Revolution in France was mainly a French product and so it was a national event, whereas in Russia it was a Jewish product, an international event.
Som vi själva kan läsa så är Kyrkan lösningen på alla våra problem, och detta har man insett till 100 procent i Ryssland, där man alltså nu har byggt/återuppbyggt 23000 kyrkor! Man går således åt totalt motsatt håll än vi här i väst, vilka stänger och sedan ofta river våra kyrkor. Jag börjar nu alltmer önska att Sverige tas över av ryssarna och de sedan även tar hit präster och sin kristendom, för som utvecklingen är här hos oss f.n. så är vår svenska kyrka mer eller mindre dödsdömd.
Marina lämnade strax efteråt två nya kommentarer, båda intressanta och läsvärda, och jag postar dem här. Marina:
etterling, I do not doubt that rich Jews made their contribution to the French Revolution but I am reluctant to believe that they were the only major force behind it. We have to be honest - one of the reasons why the French royal order collapsed was corruption and decadence among its elites. Why didn’t a similar disaster take place in the Habsburg Empire (later to become Austro-Hungarian Empire)? Because the Habsburg elites (at that stage of the European history) were more responsible, more devoted to the well-being of their subjects, more conservative and more committed to the Christian tradition. Decadence was afflicting the French upper classes long before the Revolution and it was spreading to the other sections of society. Rather than profess Christianity many aristocrats preferred to get involved in Grand Orient Freemasonry or other weird cults. More than that, the French elites made friendly alliances with the Ottomans which could be simply called anti-Christian alliances. The last king of France sent his military mission to train the Turks in naval warfare and fortification building. I am not defending or excusing the French Revolution. As we all know, nothing good resulted from it. And I am not trying to be anti-French. I like France, I like its culture too and particularly its unique Christian Medieval heritage. I’m only trying to show some of the factors that led to that disaster. The Jewish factor was there but it was not the only factor in this case.
My replies to Wotan’s and Hans’s comments which were in the fomer thread. Wotan, About Kaliningrad, yes, there are some conservative circles in Russia (they include military people, first and foremost) who believe that the Kaliningrad oblast could or even should be returned to the Germans. This is mentioned, on top of all that, in Основы геополитики (The Foundations of Geopolitics), which is a major textbook in the General Staff Academy of Russian Military. Is it ever going to happen? Certainly not in the near future. Why? Because the last thing that the Russians would like to see in the Kaliningrad territory are the NATO bases. Germany would have to free itself from the NATO dependence and create its own army. Hans, I can understand why Gorbatchov is popular in Germany. He initiated many changes which led to the German unification. Yes, he was a reformer and some of his changes were not only good but necessary. It must be kept in mind, however, that many changes had already been initiated by his predecessors though they were not clearly pronounced. Gorbatchov became more serious about them and more determined. Unfortunately, he mishandled the whole process. That’s why he is not popular in Russia. What do I mean by “mishandled”? For example, he made all kinds of concessions to the West but did not ask for anything in return. Germany could be the best example. He withdrew the Soviet troops from East Germany. Good. It was the right thing to do. But why did he do it without asking the Americans and others to withdraw their troops from West Germany? It was all nice and good to dismantle the Warsaw Pact but why wasn’t the whole NATO structure dismantled? His intentions and his good gestures should have been more conditional. If we had had Putin in his place, the situation would look completely different today. Most likely there would be no NATO in Germany. Today we not only have NATO in Germany but also in Poland, in Romania, in Hungary and so on. We also have NATO in the Balkans. More than that. He showed no concern for Russian minorities in the former Soviet Republics. They were all allowed to go free on no conditions whatsoever. As soon as they had their freedom, the native populations started persecuting the non-native peoples: Russians, Ukrainians and even other natives (local ethnic minorities). The reason why South Ossetians and Abkhazians are pro-Russian today and want to become part of the Russian Federation is because the Georgians were persecuting them. I would not call Gorbi exactly a Trotskist but in many ways he behaved like one. He allowed himself to be used by the ideologues of the NWO. Look at him today. He criticizes Putin and the Russian Church. His so-called Gorbatchov Foundation based in San Francisco is nothing else but an extention of the Soros mafia.

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